白俄罗斯选手比奥莱塔·斯凯沃特松瓦, 谁赢得了欧青赛冠军, 离开底座由于与赞美诗错误. 官员要求运动员返回,并威胁取消资格. 然而, 她断然拒绝参加颁奖典礼. 作为一个结果, 欧洲足球锦标赛的组织者道歉Skvortsova并承诺稍后重新奖. 19岁的斯克沃尔佐娃获得三级跳远. 比赛于 7 月 20 日至 23 日在意大利格罗塞托举行.
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很高兴她工作了. These organizers pressurize athletes with all sorts of things but in the end, they don’t want to take responsibility.
很高兴她工作了. These organizers pressurize athletes with all sorts of things but in the end, they don’t want to take responsibility.