你在跟我开玩笑吗!? Seriously since when are animal lives more important than that of human beings? You make me sick! Recently in this same area a 9 year old girl was killed by stray dogs! Was she paltry?! I suppose if a stray attacked you or God forbid a child you know you would just let them without any defense because they are hungry. 不真实!
Yes humans started this problem by not being responsible pet owners. That does not mean that these strays should be allowed to hurt people unchecked. That little lesson may keep that very large dog from hurting a child in the future. Good on that guy for defending himself.
Gebt den Hunden und Katzen etwas zu essen dann habt ihr keine Probleme mit ihnen.Sag mal: Wer “muss” sich an einem Tier rächen??? Armselig.
L’être humain est une sacrée merde.
你在跟我开玩笑吗!? Seriously since when are animal lives more important than that of human beings? You make me sick! Recently in this same area a 9 year old girl was killed by stray dogs! Was she paltry?! I suppose if a stray attacked you or God forbid a child you know you would just let them without any defense because they are hungry. 不真实!
Yes humans started this problem by not being responsible pet owners. That does not mean that these strays should be allowed to hurt people unchecked. That little lesson may keep that very large dog from hurting a child in the future. Good on that guy for defending himself.