在瑞士苏黎世, 当司机坐在平交道口时,汽车发动机将关闭. 火车快到了, 但女人似乎并不着急,想要让她的车越轨. 一个男人会愿意帮助她, 但他也花了太多时间没有立即取下汽车. 最终火车将到达并与汽车相撞, 幸运的是在低速行驶后,司机小心地启动了紧急刹车.
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So you don’t want to scrape your car my ramming throung the gate and prefer the train crushing it. What a genius.
So you don’t want to scrape your car my ramming throung the gate and prefer the train crushing it. What a genius.